Moffat Manor in Airdrie

project monitoring glasgow

PROJECT: Project Monitoring services for funders

Moffat Manor in Airdrie was the build of a new development of 13 houses for the town with NIXON was commissioned to oversee all project monitoring and costs. A full schedule of works and a breakdown of the development costs was required by the funder. Specific advice was sought on whether estimated costs were sufficient to complete the proposed development and a full evaluation was sought by NIXON. 

VALUE: In excess of £2million


  • NIXON carried out an evaluation estimated costs, ground investigation and environmental reports as well as flagging any potential issues.
  • Investigation of surface water drainage solutions and any third party ownership to lands and checks on planning permissions with the local authority.
  • Inspections completed to support proposed construction was consistent with funds requested as well as plans and specifications.
  • Onsite visits and verification of works completed prior to fund distribution
  • Report on the completion of the development
  • Public liability insurance checks and professional indemnity insurances of sub-contractors



The funder relied on NIXON to inform them throughout the process and to mitigate against any risks, giving the funders the confidence in their investment and to its delivery. 

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